Friday, May 22, 2020

Motivation as An Early Drop Out - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 843 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/03/22 Category Health Essay Level High school Tags: Drug Abuse Essay Did you like this example? Summary The purpose of the Motivation as a Predictor of Early Dropout From Drug Abuse Treatment study is to test if motivation plays a key factor in drug addicts by using three different types of motivation scales without dropping out early. The hypothesis of the study was social stability, previous treatment experience, expectations for reducing future drug use, higher methadone dose level, and higher motivation were the predictions of treatment over the 60 day period (Joe Simpson (1993)). The participants are tested by using different types of scales, and observing how motivated they are to get treated. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Motivation as An Early Drop Out" essay for you Create order The study was conducted by the three different types of scales called a DP scale, DH scale, and a TR scale. The DP scale is drug use problems, the DH scale is their desire for help, and the TR scale is their readiness of treatment. Each of the scales have 7 to 9 different types of problems, general interest, or commitment level questions. Their scores were calculated from each of their motivation scale scores. Simpson and Joe found their studies from testing different ethnicities, and different ages from Corpus Christi and Dallas. The average age of the clients was 36 years and 68% were males (Joe Simpson (1993)). They would also be studied by interviewing each of them, and asking them a series of important questions. Their expectations was for the participants to leave the drugs forever, being encouraged by others, and to see if they accept the chances they have to quit. The results of the study depicted that the DP scale had the highest scores. Also, 24% of the participants dropped out of treatment within 60 days (Joe Simpson (1993)). They believe that motivation plays an important role in the treatment of addictive behaviors (Joe Simpson (1993)). Overall the researchers also believed that the study of the motivation scales were reliable because they tested and compared the results with different people from different cities. Method I think the method did appropriately test the research question because the researchers accurately tested and used the motivation scales on different people. The authors conclusion was also supported by their research findings because they did meet some of their goals. Not all of the participants dropped out, but only some did. Which means that they were able to receive scores, and test the treatment on different individuals by using their methods. There are most of the times always alternative interpretations for every type of research study. They maybe could have done something different than scales, and test even more people rather than just from two different cities. The only inappropriate conclusions would probably have to be the questions for the motivation scales. I think that they could have gone more in depth with the interviews or the question. Critical Reflection Assumptions: The researchers assumptions were based off of 3 different types of variables. The first one is their goal for making drug addicts quit their addiction, the second one is their expected chances of quitting drugs, and the final variable is receiving encouragement from others (Joe Simpson (1993)). Diversity: I do not think that the researchers diversity was not good enough for this type of research. The study could have been more accurate if the percentage of ethnic groups were almost equal, and if the number of men and women were around the same. This study had more males than women, and it lacked in the amount of races for this study. Although this research is not necessarily sensitive to exactly how diverse it is, it maybe could have been more diverse. This whole world has so many different ethnic groups, and men and women for a study to have too little of a specific race. It also could have been more accurate if they would have gotten a chunk of people from every state in the US rather than just two different cities in one state. Implications: I think the implications of this study was that too many people dropped out earlier than expected from the research study. This means that there were less scores since there was less people. This also interferes with the diversity of this study. Another implication is that they were trying to also make a study at Houston, but there was not enough people. This interfered with their study because that also means that they would have less people to study on. Results DP Scale: The results from the Dallas DP scale was higher than the results for the Corpus Christi DP scale. The researchers quoted, suggested limited support for two separate factors, based on the emergence of two eigenvalues greater than 1.0 (Joe Simpson (1993)). DH Scale: The results of the DH scale was that the principal components analysis for the total sample yielded only one eigenvalue above 1.0 (3.08) (Joe Simpson (1993)). TR Scale: The results for the TR scale provided limited support for a two-factor solution in the total sample based on eigenvalues above 1.0 (2.78 and 1.38) (Joe Simpson (1993)). References Joe, G.W., Simpson D. D. (1993). Motivation As a Predictor of Early Dropout From Drug Abuse Treatment. Psychotherapy. Volume (30), pp. 357-368

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Life After Samples of Research Papers

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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bangladesh Brochure Free Essays

Bangladesh is situated either side of the tropic of cancer. India shares its border with Bangladesh. The three main river flows through Bangladesh are the meghna, the Brahmaputra and the Ganges. We will write a custom essay sample on Bangladesh Brochure or any similar topic only for you Order Now The north of Bangladesh is the Himalaya Mountains, the highest mountains in the world. To the south is the Bay of Bengal. The Land People Landforms: Flood Plains Population: 126 Million Delta Population Density: 800 per square kilometer The Land is Under 15 meters above sea levels 230 of rivers in Bangladesh What are Tropical Cyclones? Tropical storm, typhoon or hurricane is a type of low pressure system which generally forms in the tropics. While they can be highly destructive, tropical cyclones are an important part of the atmosphere circulation system which moves heat from the equatorial region toward the higher latitude. Keyword: Latitude: The distance of a place north or south from the equator (Places that are near to the equator or much warmer than places that are near the north and south poles. ) How Are Tropical Cyclones Formed 1. Formative – clouds start forming over the ocean between 5 and 15 degrees latitude from the equator. 2. Immature – if the conditions are favorable, clouds collect and move with the winds that start rotating clockwise around a low pressure area. Winds start to increase in strength. 3. Mature – the cyclone reaches its peak of intensity and destructive power. 4. Decaying – the power of the cyclone decreases when it moves over land or pole ward over colder waters. In this decaying stage the winds often decrease rapidly and the cyclone eye and cloud patterns disappear. Long Term Short Term Solutions These are solution to prevent flooding in Bangladesh, short term meaning for a flood which comes once or twice but long term is when it remains therefore 10-15 years. The solution which has been listed below will have a key of stars, the solution with the most stars is expensive whereas with not many stars meaning not so much expensive. The other key is on my opinion whether they are good for presentation of floods in Bangladesh or not or whether they are alright, the key would be 3 different smiley faces. 1. Building Embankments along the River Channel – Plan 1-Embankments This would prevent the water from overflowing of the water while the water discharge is taking place. It would have to 7 meter high. These have o be placed along the river not just in the village. Advantage – preventing mosquitoes carrying malaria and flood Disadvantage – to expensive and restricting fisherman Plan 2-Aid from fishing. 2. Providing emergency in each village and train Villagers in basic health care – The would include particular drug, dressing, water purification tablets, few villagers will be trained and reducing the risk of Plan3-Shelters diseases spreading and provide help for injured people. Advantage – Not many people gaining disease Disadvantage – not preventing the flood 3. Building flood protection shelters in village – Large building able to hold 1000 people on silts. Also shelter for animals. The shelters have been swept away in the past. Plan 4-Emergeny Stores Advantage – people life saved Disadvantage – not preventing flooding, belongings not saved, risk f still being flooded 4. Provide emergency stores of farm replacement – This will include new seeds, new seedlings and supplies of fertilizers. Advantage – Farmers back to work quicker Plan 5-Proof Sheds Disadvantage – not preventing flooding, loose out on the other crops Low income in the beginning 5. Build flood proof grain storage sheds – Sheds built on stilts, preserve the building with food and water Advantage – ensure that villagers had food and clean water Plan 6-Tube Wells Disadvantage – have to fill the shed every time after flood, not preventing the flood 6. Sink new tube wells – Build wells which will protect water supply during flood Advantage – safe drinking water and prevent diseases Plan 7- Warning System Disadvantage – Bangladesh still be flooded. 7. Emergency warning system – Trained operators will be provided, to predict the discharge this will tell whether it will be a flood. Advantage – allowing time for evacuation Disadvantages – parts of Bangladesh still flooded and people still cant do much to save there own lives How to cite Bangladesh Brochure, Papers